OK, since neither DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES nor TRUE BLOOD are on tomorrow night, how about tuning into
The Funky Werepig, a wonderfully wacky Blog Talk Radio show hosted by Gregory L. Hall? Why, you ask? Because yours truly will be the featured guest. Yes, that’s right: The guy behind Slasher Speak will…

Better yet, you can call in and heckle me! The show goes live tomorrow night at 9:00 pm EST and runs for about an hour and a half. The call-in number is (646) 929-1147. You can also join the live chat during the show
So what will I be talking about? [Insert evil laugh] Let’s just say that names will be named, and I’m spilling the dirt on where the bodies are buried.
I’d tune in if I were you.
Don't worry folks, I have a team of lawyers standing by!
OFF TOPIC, Congratulations, you've been bit!!
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