Horror fandom is a curious thing
indeed. This week’s bemusement has been watching the horror faithful on social
media extolling the original
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre—the story of
young people from out-of-town trespassing on other people's property and getting
butchered by a chainsaw-wielding maniac named Leatherface—as a virtuous classic
while in the same breath decrying the new TCM—a story about young people from out-of-town
trespassing on other people's property and getting butchered by a chainsaw-wielding
maniac named Leatherface—as the stupidest thing they've ever seen. It's
literally the same plot, just updated. It’s hard not to laugh out loud at the
computer screen some days. I’m reminded of the tagline from Wes Craven’s
Last House on the Left: “To avoid fainting, keep repeating, ‘It’s only a
So, let’s unclutch those pearls
and talk about the latest installment in the franchise that began with Tobe
Hooper’s gritty 1974 slasher. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the ’22 film
drops the “the” from its title) is directed by David Blue Garcia, with a
screenplay by Chris Thomas Devlin, from an original story co-written by Fede
Álvarez (also a producer on the film) and Rodo Sayagues. Originally, the
production began with brothers Ryan and Andy Tohill (who directed 2018’s The
Dig) at the helm, but the directors were replaced with Garcia after studio
displeasure with the footage they shot. That’s never a good sign.
Ripping a page from the playbook
David Gordon Green used for his 2018 relaunch of the
franchise, the new
Texas Chainsaw Massacre serves as a direct sequel to
the original film—however it doesn’t necessarily retcon the sequels the way
Green’s film trilogy does, with Álvarez stating in interviews that it's up to
audiences “to decide when and how the events of the other movies happen.” Fair
enough—and who cares, anyway, right? To tackle direct sequel problem #1—the
2014 death of Marilyn Burns, who played TTCM Final Girl Sally Hardesty—the
filmmakers cast Irish actress Olwen Fouéré, an especially accomplished stage
actor with about a dozen movie and TV credits each to her name. It’s excellent
casting and Fouéré does the best with what she’s given; unfortunately, she’s
not given anything other than a watered-down version of 2018’s Laurie Strode.
To tackle direct sequel problem #2—the 2015 death of Gunnar Hansen, TTCM’s
original Leatherface—Mark Burnham was cast in the role of the iconic horror
villain. Burnham does a most respectable job given the big shoes he has to
fill, but of course his character’s agility and stamina at (at least) age 70
requires a huge suspension of disbelief. Suffice to say that 2022 Leatherface
is one fast, strong-ass motherfucker.
The new film opens as San
Francisco speculators Melody (Sarah Yarkin) and Dante (Jacob Latimore)—with Melody's
sister Lila (Elsie Fisher) and Dante's girlfriend Ruth (Nell Hudson) along for
the ride—travel to the remote, long-abandoned Texas town of Harlow. Melody and
Dante plan to auction off the town’s properties to create a trendy, heavily
gentrified area for hipsters of every persuasion. Why, you ask, would said
trendy hipsters with ample cash to burn pick an out-of-the-way,
hot-as-Satan’s-ass locale like bumfuck Texas as an investment opportunity? No
one really knows—and Lila even questions it aloud at one point in the film.

Upon the foursome’s arrival, they
discover that one of the buildings—the town’s orphanage—is still occupied by
the elderly Mrs. Mc (a welcome cameo by the wonderful Alice Krige) and a
silent, towering older man. While enjoying some sweet tea provided by the
congenial Mrs. Mc, a kerfuffle over who holds the rightful deed to the
orphanage breaks out—and ends with Mrs. Mc suffering a heart attack. Fearful of
the bad publicity, Ruth offers to accompany the sheriff and his deputy as they
transport Mrs. Mc—and the not-so-mysterious hulking man—to the hospital. En route
to the hospital, things go awry—so much so that hulking mute guy goes
ballistic, kills almost everyone in the emergency rig, and peels the face off
one of them. Leatherface is back—and he’s pissed. Cinematographer Ricardo Diaz
shines in this gorgeously shot scene that has Leatherface standing in a field
of dead sunflowers, holding up the skin of his new face. Ruth, who’s injured
but alive, witnesses the rebirth of Leatherface and manages to get a radio
transmission off before she’s (literally) gutted by him.

As Leatherface makes his way back
to Harlow, a charter bus full of potential investors arrives and the property
auction ensues. As word of Mrs. Mc’s death makes it back to Melody via Ruth’s
last text before Leatherface’s ambulance ambush, local contractor Richter (Moe
Dunford) hears her and Lila talking about it and takes Melody and Dante to task
for causing Mrs. Mc’s heart attack and subsequent death. He confiscates the
keys to the bus and their sports car, demanding proof that they had the right
to evict Mrs. Mc before he’ll give them back. Discovering they don't have the deed
showing they own the orphanage after all (oops!), Melody and Dante return to
the creaky home for wayward boys to find it. Elsewhere, Sally Hardesty—her long
grey hair and tank top giving us immediate Laurie Strode vibes—takes a call
from the local gas station clerk who received Ruth’s last radio transmission,
and he informs her that Leatherface is back. She arms up and heads out, adding
an awesome cowboy hat to her survivor ensemble to perfect effect.

It's not giving too much away to
say that Leatherface makes his way back to Harlow in what seems like record
time and resumes his titular massacre once again. There are some over-the-top
set pieces here—one of them pushed to the point of pure camp—and gorehounds
will delight in the plethora of practical special make-up effects. The film is
lean (at one hour and twenty-three minutes) and meaner than a rabid dog in the
midday Texas sun getting poked repeatedly with a big stick. It’s all a heck of
a lot of fun, even if the creative forces miss the boat almost entirely with the
Sally Hardesty character. What could have been an awesome final chapter for survivor
Sally is reduced to a mere sidenote, largely wasting Fouéré’s considerable
talent. If anything,
Texas Chainsaw Massacre reminds us how very
important—crucial even—writers are to what we see and experience onscreen.
No, none of the characters are
particularly memorable nor do we care when it’s their turn to meet the end of
Leatherface’s chainsaw. No, making this film’s Final Girl a school shooting
survivor adds nothing of note to her character or the plot. No, Leatherface’s
speed and agility don’t make a lick of sense in the context of his
chronological age. But 2022’s Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a lot of fun
despite its myriad flaws—in that kind of mindless Saturday matinee, popcorn
movie kind of way.
How best to enjoy this latest
entry in the venerable horror franchise? Let go and let Garcia.
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